Our Cleaning Services
Our professional house cleaning staff is trained to be very thorough and efficient. We will never rush through our cleaning tasks and risk overlooking any areas of your home to make our next appointment, as other house cleaning services will. You can also prioritise areas of your home that you would like us to clean to meet your budget.
Task Checklist:

- Tub and/or shower cleaned, disinfected, rinsed and dried.
- Sink cleaned, disinfected, rinsed and dried.
- Chrome fixtures polished.
- Baseboards washed/dusted.
- Mirrors cleaned.
- Trash emptied.
- Window sills washed/dusted.
- Toilet cleaned, disinfected and dried.
- Vanity cleaned, disinfected and dried.
- Towels folded.
- Floor vacuumed and washed
Living Room
- All furnishings dusted, polished, or wiped.
- Upholstery vacuumed.
- Glass furniture cleaned
- Baseboards washed/dusted.
- Lampshades and pictures dusted
- Light switch plates washed
- Pillows and cushions fluffed
- Papers, toys and pet belongings straightened
- Carpets vacuumed
- Floors vacuumed and washed
- Window sills washed/dusted

- Baseboards washed/dusted
- Mirrors cleaned
- Beds made
- Furniture dusted
- Trash emptied
- Carpets vacuumed
- Floors vacuumed and washed
- Lampshades and pictures dusted
- Glass tabletops cleaned
- Light switch plates washed
- Shoes, toys, etc straightened
- Sinks cleaned and disinfected
Countertops, backsplash and tiles cleaned - Stovetop cleaned and degreased
- Front of appliances cleaned
- Cabinet doors cleaned
- Small appliances cleaned
- Tabletops cleaned
- Pictures dusted
- Floors vacuumed and washed
- Trash emptied
- Light switch plates washed